ESP8266 LCD1602/2004

ESP8266 LCD1602 / 2004

This page is to Setup and Config ESP8266 LCD1602 / 2004

Hardware and Software


ESP8266 ESP-01 and ModeMCU

LCD1602 / 2004



Example :

Sanki Notes

  • Address : 0x27 default or A0, A1 A2 - 0x23 - 0x27


LCD16022004_Lib.lua Driver/



        1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- LCD 1602 module -- -- LICENCE: -- Vladimir Dronnikov <> -- Compiled from various sources inc. -- -- -- -- -- Example: -- i2c.setup(0, 3, 4, i2c.SLOW) -- lcd = dofile("lcd1602.lua")() -- lcd.put(lcd.locate(0, 5), "Hello, dvv!") -- function notice() print(node.heap());, "It's time! Skushai tvorojok!", 150, 1, notice) end; notice() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SANKI 20160713 -- ADR : default 0x27 -- local _offsets : 1602 / 2004 local M do -- const local ADR = 0x27 -- SANKI local _offsets = { [0] = 0x80, 0xC0, 0x94, 0xD4 } -- 20x4 --local _offsets = { [0] = 0x80, 0xC0, 0x90, 0xD0 } -- 16x4 -- cache local i2c, tmr, delay, ipairs, type, bit, bor, band, bshl = i2c, tmr, tmr.delay, ipairs, type, bit, bit.bor,, bit.lshift -- helpers local _ctl = 0x08 local w = function(b, mode) i2c.start(0) i2c.address(0, ADR, i2c.TRANSMITTER) local bh = band(b, 0xF0) + _ctl + mode local bl = bshl(band(b, 0x0F), 4) + _ctl + mode i2c.write(0, bh + 4, bh, bl + 4, bl) i2c.stop(0) end -- backlight on/off local light = function(off) _ctl = on and 0x08 or 0x00 w(0x00, 0) end local clear = function() w(0x01, 0) end -- return command to set cursor at row/col local locate = function(row, col) return col + _offsets[row] end local define_char = function(index, bytes) w(0x40 + 8 * band(index, 0x07), 0) for i = 1, #bytes do w(bytes[i], 1) end end -- write to lcd local put = function(...) for _, x in ipairs({...}) do -- number? if type(x) == "number" then -- direct command w(x, 0) -- string? elseif type(x) == "string" then -- treat as data for i = 1, #x do w(x:byte(i), 1) end end delay(800) end end -- show a running string s at row. shift delay is _delay using timer, -- on completion spawn callback local run = function(row, s, _delay, timer, callback) _delay = _delay or 40 tmr.stop(timer) local i = 16 local runner = function() -- TODO: optimize calculus? put( locate(row, i >= 0 and i or 0), (i >= 0 and s:sub(1, 16 - i) or s:sub(1 - i, 16 - i)), " " ) if i == -#s then if type(callback) == "function" then tmr.stop(timer) callback() else i = 16 end else i = i - 1 end end tmr.alarm(timer, _delay, 1, runner) end -- start lcd local init = function(adr) ADR = adr or 0x27 w(0x33, 0) w(0x32, 0) w(0x28, 0) w(0x0C, 0) w(0x06, 0) w(0x01, 0) w(0x02, 0) -- expose return { define_char = define_char, light = light, clear = clear, locate = locate, put = put, run = run, } end -- expose constructor M = init end return M

        2. i2c.setup(0, 3, 4, i2c.SLOW) lcd = dofile("LCD16022004_Lib.lua")() lcd.put(lcd.locate(0, 5), "Hallo!") function notice() print(node.heap());, "Hallo Wereld!", 150, 1, notice) end; notice() --Start de code met het commando: dofile("start_lcd1602.lua")